Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Rules for Pals - அறை விதிகள்


  • 👀 அறை விதிகள்

Ø This is a "G' Rated room and all pals should behave accordingly. The right of entertainment does not have Bar
Ø Pals should respect all pals equally and other feelings
Ø Approximately 3 minutes’ speech are allowed for all at India Time (IST) 8pm-11:59 pm
Ø If the net is an issue or sound setting is in issue, please avoid playing or singing
Ø One Video(Cam) is  allowed with Prior Permission from Admin. Admin will give permission in Main.  Cam pals will be red dotted with warning by admin. If it is inappropriate to G rated cam, the pal will be bounced without warning and Banned.
Ø Pals/Admins need not interrogate new comers or ids unknown to them.
Ø Apart from being fun, all Pals need to maintain the room's decorum.
Ø Texts with double meaning must be avoided. No KISS in text or 💋icons or emoticons is allowed
Ø We have rules i.e.  No Abuse/Flirt/Chase on Pals. No discriminating comments against singers or pals or Thamizh language or Admin or Room  in general
Ø If you don’t like someone, it is personal issue. Do not keep it in Main.
Ø If a pal is not responding appropriately, then the admin may take the necessary action.
Ø If any female or male is complaining/defending themselves in main, just clarify what admin can do to assist on main.
Ø Please do not invite other pals to Thamizh Osai, we expect the pals to come here on their own.
Ø Do not discuss, highlight or drag the issue if anyone is bounced or dotted unless someone asks and keep it in private with admin. Request active admins to add you or send message to Thamizh Osai (owner id)
Ø The room name being Thamizh Osai, for every 3 non Thamizh song, at least one Thamizh song may be played or sung! THAMIZH !!  If pals do not have issue, it is fine to play any language songs in any number
Ø The communication to the admin/pal from pals/admin should primarily be Thamizh, though English is allowed.  The admin can communicate in room other than English/Thamizh is only when the user does not know English or Thamizh 
Ø The users are restricted for the following: -
ü Unparliamentary text pals/Cams are Red Dotted first
ü If the language of the text is attacking someone, individual, admin, room or THAMIZH
ü Warning is given normally by admin in main before Red Dot is applied
ü The Red dot may be released and the pal will be under observation
ü BOUNCE/BAN is applied with or without warning based on situation
ü RED/BOUNCE/BAN reason should be communicated to the pals in Polite manner if possible
ü If user(s) is/are Red dotted/Bounced/Banned, a single line of text as reason may/must be typed by admin in Main only for Information.

Ø  If DC happens or you missed your chance in Q, you can rejoin the Q. After rejoining the Q the priority is given next to who is in top order of Q. Exchange of sequence in queue is NOT permitted, only the when the volunteer is giving up his chance.  This is applicable when more than 3 singers are in Queue. If fewer than 3 are in Q, Please join the Q in order.

Ø If admin is creating an issue please contact Thamizh Osai (Owner) id for complaining 

Ø The active admin(s) is(are) the final authority at that moment


  1. Nalla vidhigal anaivarukkum nanmai payakkum vidhigal...

    1. நன்றி! மக்கள் பயனுற்றால் மகிழ்ச்சி!
